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Our Rabbis taught in a braisa: We may not intercalate a year because of tumah. [Even if it should involve the risk of offering the Pesach sacrifice in tumah; e.g., if the Nasi were dangerously ill, and it was judged that he would die less than a week before Pesach, in which case the community, by attending the funeral in his honor, would become tamei.]
Rabbi Yehudah said: We may intercalate. Rabbi Yehudah observed: It once happened that Chizkiyah king of Yehudah declared a leap year because of tumah, and then prayed for mercy, for it is written: For the multitude of the people, even many of Ephraim and Menasheh, Issachar and Zevulun had not cleansed themselves, yet did they eat the Pesach sacrifice otherwise than it is written: for Chizkiyah had prayed for them, saying: May the Lord in His goodness pardon everyone.
We explore the reign of Hezekiah.