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Steinsaltz writes "Gatherings of the Sages in various lofts or attics – in the aliya, or the second story of the houses at that time – are mentioned on many occasions throughout the Talmud.
It appears that such meetings were arranged when the Sages wanted to discuss a matter privately, or, perhaps, even secretly. One example is the decision to add a “leap month” to the calendar, something that was always done privately with specifically invited guests. Others are things that could not be discussed publicly because of political ramifications.
Shmuel HaKatan was one of the tanna’im who lived during the period of the destruction of the second Temple. The source for his title as HaKatan (the small one) is unclear. It may refer to his modesty, or, perhaps, to the claim that he was only slightly “smaller” – i.e. inferior – to the biblical Shmu’el.
we explore the 4th perek of AVot attributable to this second generation Tanna.