Shabbat 131:The Sign of Circumcision
For the source text click/tap here: Shabbat 131
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Shabbat 130:Wings of the Dove
For the source text click/tap here: Shabbat 130
To download, click/tap here: PDF
Shabbat 129:Barbers/Bloodletting
For the source text click/tap here: Shabbat 129
To download, click/tap here: PDF
Shabbat 128:Midwives
For the source text click/tap here: Shabbat 128
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A detail of the 13th-century Fontana Maggiore in Perugia, Italy, with the fables of The Wolf and the Crane and The Wolf and the Lamb
Shabbat 127:Reb Yehoshua Ben Chananya
For the source text click/tap here: Shabbat 127
To download, click/tap here: PDF
Shabbat 126:The Fours or Fives
For the source text click/tap here: Shabbat 126
To download, click/tap here: PDF
Shabbat 124:Lechem Ha’Panim
For the source text click/tap here: Shabbat 124
To download, click/tap here: PDF
Shabbat 123:Disability and Deformity
For the source text click/tap here: Shabbat 123
To download, click/tap here: PDF
Shabbat 121:Dangerous Creatures
For the source text click/tap here: Shabbat 121
To download, click/tap here: PDF
Shabbat 120:Writing and Erasing The Name
For the source text click/tap here: Shabbat 120
To download, click/tap here: PDF
Shabbat 119:Welcome Shabbat Bride
For the source text click/tap here: Shabbat 119
To download, click/tap here: PDF
Shabbat 118:Pangs of Messiah
For the source text click/tap here: Shabbat 118
To download, click/tap here: PDF
Shabbat 117:Preparations
For the source text click/tap here: Shabbat 117
To download, click/tap here: PDF
Shabbat 116:And When The Ark Traveled
For the source text click/tap here: Shabbat 116
To download, click/tap here: PDF
Shabbat 115:Fire on Deck?
For the source text click/tap here: Shabbat 115
To download, click/tap here: PDF
Rembrandt - Portrait of a rabbi in a beret holding a cane.
Shabbat 114:All Those Who Hate Me Love Death
For the source text click/tap here: Shabbat 114
To download, click/tap here: PDF
Shabbat 113:Vestis Virum Facit
For the source text click/tap here: Shabbat 113
To download, click/tap here: PDF
Shabbat 112:The Theseus Paradox
For the source text click/tap here: Shabbat 112
To download, click/tap here: PDF
Prof. Charcot demonstrating hysteria in a woman to medical students at the Salpetriere, Paris 1880