Our Efforts were acknowledged in the journal Military Medicine! Detection and Successful Treatment of Gunshot Wound to the Femoral Artery and Vein Four Days Post-incident: A Case Study
Detection and Successful Treatment of Gunshot Wound to the Femoral Artery and Vein Four Days Post-incident: A Case Study
I have been twice to Ukraine to help out Communities and train officers in my capacity as a LTC in the Indiana National Guard Reserve 19th Medical Regimental Association.
I am trying to put together funds to procure the following equipment to take with me for my next trip end of the year as requested by my military colleague in the Kiev National Military hospital.
This allows the doctor on the front line to determine whether to save a limb shattered from a blast injury and reconstruct the limb as opposed to just amputating the limb.
This allows the doctor on the front line to determine whether to save a limb shattered from a blast injury and reconstruct the limb as opposed to just amputating the limb.
Here is a link to the article one doctor wrote based on his experience with our ultrasound machine: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35829661/
This new technology allows the medic on the front line to send via his cel phone to the radiologist in Kiev.
Below are the 22 boxes of surgical equipment supplies and medications being shipped this week from my office:
Recently following the power outage due to the destruction of the electric grid, We have been approached by the community in LVIV Ukraine, for blankets and solar powered lanterns due to the recent strikes against the power grid.
Please consider helping me raise funds towards the purchase of the following items.
We are aiming for 1000 of these lanterns plus blankets:
You were most gracious in helping during the COVID pandemic in my raising close to $50000 in PPE equipment for prisons and nursing homes.
The check can be made out to “19th Medical Regimental Association” which is tax exempt organization.
Please call with any questions: 219-588-8000
Please help fund this project with tax exempt contributions to the 19th Medical Regimental Association (501(c)
LtCol Ungar-Sargon MD PhD
Executive Director
19th Medical Regimental Association
Medical Director and Chairman Medical Academy
State Guard Association of the USA
The 19th Med is an Association formed exclusively for charitable, medical, educational, and scientific purposes. We plan for emergency medical response with governmental and nongovernmental organizations. We seek out Indiana licensed health care professionals to joins us in providing health care services to those in need-such as during declared states of emergency or natural disasters. We rehearse our response during planned exercises so that we can be nimble in responding to a variety of scenarios. The 19th med can mobilize itself to offer free medical, psychiatric, and dental services to first responders, any person at the scene requiring immediate care, or veterinary services or any animal requiring urgent care.
The 19th Med utilizes both a military command structure and the civilian national incident command system(NIMS) framework. Our military command structure is based upon the model of the US Army Medical Corps with physicians, surgeons, psychiatrists, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, counselors, registered nurses, paramedics, and supporting medical service corps personnel. By our also utilizing the NIMS framework, we can readily integrate with other governmental and nongovernmental entities for missions.
The 19th Med is an Indiana public nonprofit corporation. The Internal Revenue Service has determined that the 19th Med is a public charity and exempt from Federal tax under Internal Revenuie Code(IRC) 501(c)(3). The 19th Med is qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers, or gifts under Section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the IRC. Donors can deduct contributions they make to the 19th Med under IRC Section 170.