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Our daf discusses the relations of a boy who is nine years old and one day to be considered relations. If he is less than eight years old, his relations are not considered relations. The argument is regarding an eight year old.
Beis Shamai says: We derive from the earlier generations. Beis Hillel says: We do not derive from the earlier generations.
The Gemora asks: How do we know that the children of earlier generations fathered children at this age?
You might suggest it is from the following combination of verses. Bas Sheva the daughter of Eliam, the wife of Uryah the Chitite...Eliam the son of Achitofel the Golani...And he sent in the hands of Nasan the prophet and he called his name Yedidyah for Hashem...and it was for two years and they were shearing for Avshalom...And Avshalom ran away and left to Geshurah, and was there for three years...And Avshalom sat in Yerushalayim for two years and never saw the face of the king...And it was at the end of forty years, and Avshalom said to the king, “I will go and fulfill my vow, the vow that I had vowed to Hashem in Chevron…”
We explore the character of Bat-Sheva in different traditions.