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Jewish law recognizes the unique position of the King, who has special laws and dispensations that apply only to him. Does the halakha view the institution of a Jewish monarchy as the ideal state of affairs for governing the Jewish people?
The Gemara discusses the verses in Sefer Shmuel I (ch. 8) which describe the appointment of a Jewish king. When the nation asked that a king be appointed over them, the prophet Shmuel told them that they did not realize how much power the king would wield over them, and he warned them of the king's many harsh powers, such as the ability to take away their children forcibly to serve him.
The Gemara cites a dispute between the Amora'im, who argue about whether the king indeed all of the powers has mentioned by Shmuel, or whether Shmuel mentioned them only to frighten the Jewish people and deter them from their request.