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Rav Yehudah the son of Rabbi Chiya said: This teaches us that Cain inflicted upon his brother Abel many bruises and wounds (until he killed him), because he did not know from where the soul departs, until he reached his neck.
Rav Yehudah the son of Rabbi Chiya also said: Since the day the earth opened its mouth to receive the blood of Abel, it has never opened it again.
Rav Yehudah brei d'Rebbi Chiya says that from the day that the ground swallowed the blood of Hevel, it never opened again. His brother, Chizkiyah, asks that the earth opened up to swallow the sinners in the incident of Korach. Rav Yehudah answers that it opened only for a bad occurrence, and not for a good occurrence.
We explore the sin of Cain.