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Our daf discusses considers what should be done if a father accuses a man of seducing or raping his daughter. In the first discussions, the accused denies the accusation. The father of the woman victimize then administers an oath. Responding with "amen", the accused confirms that he did indeed commit this crime.
He then pays the fine for rape or seduction plus one fifth, and he brings a guilt-offering for swearing falsely.
In the second discussion, the father accuses a man of the rape or seduction of his daughter, of going to court and being found guilty of the crime, and of not paying the penalty. In this case, again an oath is administered. With his response of "amen", the accused must pay the penalty.
We explore the horrific notion of a man confronting another about his daughter…and the defamation for survivors of assault…then we review the literary history of sexual violence (Christine Foula) including th literary history of narrative rape in Gen 34 (Sandie Gravett) ending with Andre Peto’s look at rape in the aftermath of WWII.