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Rav Yosef cites the Mishnah in Berachos (16a) as part of the analysis whether a husband and wife can have marital relations the first time on Shabbos.
The halacha in the Mishnah in Berachos teaches that the husband is exempt from reading the Shema for up to four nights, beginning Wednesday and until Motzai Shabbos, if he has not consummated his marriage with his wife.
It seems, therefore, that the mitzvah of cohabiting with his wife may be completed on Friday night, although it is Shabbos.
This indicates that no violation of Shabbos is inherent in the act.
The Gemara deflects this proof by explaining that the exemption of the groom may be due to the act’s being prohibited, and the distraction he experiences by not being able to take his wife. Rambam (Hilchos Krias Shema 4:1) rules that anyone who is busy and overwhelmed in performing a mitzvah is exempt from all mitzvos and from reading Shema.
We explore the notion of The Exemption of “Osek beMitzvah”
As well as Joshua Kulp’s reexamination of Virginity Claims in Rabbinic literature.