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Rebbi Yitzchak states that a person's Yetzer ha'Ra grows stronger and stronger every day, as it says, "[The inclination of the thoughts of his heart] is only evil all of the days" (Bereishis 6:5). Reish Lakish adds that in addition to gaining more power over the person each day, the Yetzer ha'Ra attempts to kill the person, as it says, "The evil one (the Yetzer ha'Ra) looks towards the Tzadik and seeks to kill him" (Tehilim 37:32).
Furthermore, the Gemara adds, if it were not for Hash-m's help, a person would not be able to overcome the Yetzer ha'Ra, as it says, "Hash-m will not forsake him (the Tzadik) in his hand, and will not let him be condemned" (Tehilim 37:33).
We explore rabbinic attitudes to the "selfish" inclination and discuss different denominational representational attitudes towards the model of addiction and its relationship to the yetser.