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The Mishnah relates that RabanYochanan ben Zakai instituted a Mitzvah d'Rabanan to hold the Arba'as ha'Minimon all seven days of Sukos outside of the Beis ha'Mikdash. The Gemara explains that this enactment was made as a commemoration for the Beis ha'Mikdash("Zecher la'Mikdash").
What is the source for the concept of making aZecher la'Mikdash? The Gemara cites the verse, "For I shall raise up (A'aleh) for you a cure, and from your wounds I will heal you -- the word of Hash-m, for 'abandoned' did they call you: 'She is Tziyon -- no one remembers her'" (Yirmeyahu30:17).
The verse in Jeremiah describes Jerusalem Post-destruction as a wounded outcast, completely forgotten by all who used to care for her. Rabbi Yohanan ben Zakkai reads this verse as requiring us to actively remember this destroyed outcast, in the hopes that it will hasten herhealing.
We explore the question as to How will the Third Beit HaMikdash be rebuilt?There are two accepted approaches to our first question, answering the “how” with regards to the rebuilding of the Temple:
1. The first is that God willr ebuild the Beit HaMikdash in the heavens and when the time is right it will be revealed to the people and lowered down to its final resting place upon theTemple Mount.
2. The second approach is that the Jewish People themselves will take an active stance towards its rebuilding — both physically and literally rebuilding a sanctuary of bricks and mortar to serve as a Temple for modern times.