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We witness the creation and finalization of halachot in our daf. First we learn about raising the floor of a sukka to decrease its height. Next we learn about shade and sagging roofs. Then platforms within the sukka are considered. We look at "curved walls" and at dug out portions of a sukka floor. In most of these cases, the rabbis turn to related case law to determine these halachot. After deciding how/whether that case law should apply to their current question, the rabbis state when a sukka is fit and when it is unfit.
Thinking still, about the Maseches Succah following Yoma….
We are told to fix the succah immediately after Yom Kippur without delay… which leads us to the enigmatic statement: Rishon the lecheshbon avonos
and the sweet Torah of Rav Levi Yitzchak Mi berditchev (Kedushas levi) as to the nature of the transition which we undergo as we proceed from the Yamim Nora’im to Sukkot.