The Walls of the old city of Jerusalem
Mistakes, Mistakes
“I'm a new soul
I came to this strange world
Hoping I could learn a bit 'bout how to give and take
But since I came here, felt the joy and the fear
Finding myself making every possible mistake
La, la, la, la (21x)
La, la, la, la (21x)
See I'm a young soul in this very strange world
Hoping I could learn a bit 'bout what is true and fake
But why all this hate? try to communicate
Finding trust and love is not always easy to make
La, la, la, la (21x)
La, la, la, la (21x)
This is a happy end
Cause you don't understand
Everything you have done
Why's everything so wrong
This is a happy end
Come and give me your hand
I'll take you far away
I'm a new soul
I came to this strange world
Hoping I could learn a bit 'bout how to give and take
But since I came here, felt the joy and the fear
Finding myself making every possible mistake
New soul... (la, la, la, la,...)
In this very strange world...
Every possible mistake
Possible mistake
Every possible mistake
Mistakes, mistakes, mistakes...”
Yael Naim
cutting corners...
getting away with this and that...
poor judgement,
only by the mistakes
only by failing
have I ever learned.
The pain continues
stuck as I am
in relationships
where I so desperately seek understanding
and validation,
but merely meet the brick wall
of indifference, an ice wall
or worse,
blinding criticism.
Where is the light?
where is there respite?
(lying in my disc pain my relief was not vicodinrather)
Perlman’s Pugnani-Kreisler Allegro
and Handel/Halvorsen’s Passacaglia [1]
in which I was momentarily spared
from the burden from this isolation
and bathed in some ephemeral light.
It is as if the music turns off the inner kritik
mirroring the failure out there
and allowing my sacred right hemisphere
a few moments of relief.
As a child I remember listening to the Eroica and the Marche Funebre at the
Munich Olympics after the massacre of the athletes in 1961
over and over again
transported to a real world
where tragedy was centerfold.
I lay on the carpet of the living room
flying high on Beethoven.
And visiting Madame Lunzer, an Italian contessa
as she lay dying on her satin sheets
on Saturday afternoons in 1965
and hearing the Fifth Brandendurg concerto [2] for the first time.
Bach was the perfection in my imperfect world.
Now, in this darkness
I must once again,
try to see the wounded boy
who never got heard
and heal him first
but how?
tell him what?
in the face of his real knowledge and pain
etched into the flesh for so many decades
fueling, deep inside
the resentments and rage
of what was done
to him,
in the name of educare.
In this place
I just hold the pain.
I cannot regenerate into a “new soul”
like this fresh Israeli singer.
I refuse “to let go” of the past
as uncle Eric admonishes me to
for the very sake of the past
and the memory of the past
and the victim inside
to rename or refurbish.
It has taken too long just to get those images to mind
having blocked them for so long.
Effortlessly my pain merges with others
ethnic identity slips into consciousness
Why do I allow this personal pain to dissolve
in theirs? There is no comparison of course!
Cousins aunts and lost grandparents
I sense their absent counsel more and more
for I have been denied half my family
their lacuna screams in silence
their having been left in Europe
as Dad escaped for his life, and mine.
I will not “learn” from their suffering
I will not yield to any mythical archetypal or religious meaning
I cannot,
the smoke is too fresh
the burning fat still stings the eyes
and I was not even there!
Merely born 5 years after the tremendum.
Why then does my soul connect my pain to theirs?
why do I gravitate to no other texts
read theirs into all my own
and harshly refuse
any that do not take them into account
in claims to truth?
Yael Naim flirts with reincarnation
I cannot afford the luxuries of new age kabbalah.
I cannot even afford the theologies of comfort
that so many drink from.
No wonder Steve Jobs chose this song!
Macintosh is the new kabbalah
the greatest access codes to the Da Vinci di-vine internet.
In their memory I must allow nothing
it is too fresh
this wound
and somehow
infiltrates my own petty
vision of the past.
Should I separate the wounds?
the absent memory of their lived lives
my youth embedded in their non-being?
would things have been different with a counterbalancing
an aunt and uncle to protect me?
a grandparent to step
against the rage of the survivor-father
and the wounded-mother?
Mistakes, mistakes
I cannot seem to separate.
I cannot split between
the accident of my birth
and the survival of the father.
The accident of his meeting the mother.
the post war poverty
the desire to determine the outcome
the condition for economic survival
the age old diaspora response
to the moving tribe
country to country
pogrom to pogrom.
all the while sacrificing our souls
in the desire to succeed.
So I am condemned to make the mistakes
wrong turns
watching this life turn
ever closer to the end
of things,
the end
the end.
Turn off the singer
close the Mac
I am a gilgul.
[1] The last movement of George Frideric Handel's Harpsichord Suite in G minor (HWV 432) is a passacaglia which has become well known as a duo for violin and viola, arranged by the Norwegian violinist Johan Halvorsen.
[2] Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 in D major, BWV 1050 J.S.Bach Concerto Traversiere, une Violino principale, une Violino è una Viola in ripieno, Violoncello, Violone è Cembalo .
Dreaming Dreaming
“...All acting begins with an 'as if'...
now take that 'as if' and set it as a plank, a bridge between what you
think you know and what you are really capable of
... It is time to stop being dreamed and start dreaming... time to let
go of the rock of identity that is accompanying our gravity-bound
descent from birth to death, time to abandon
belief and surrender to faith, to fly rather than fall
The shift in consciousness is from fear to faith... an unclenching of
the contraction of self, that myth of identity so insidiously woven,
thread by thread, day by day, the neural networks wiring into patterns
of self-relation, the well-trod path mistaken for the ground upon
which it was furrowed, this must be 'me', these fears, these
inadequacies, these thoughts, these images these stories... these
repetitive intimations of selfhood... the carefully maintained
scaffolding of who... Time to relax the tightened pattern of the
known... It is time to shed the past like a serpent sheds its skin...
No more victimization, no more passivity, no more being written upon,
seize the pen. Feed the fire with the conceits of the known, the delphic
hubris of self-knowledge, unmoor your presence from the anchors of your
habituated self-images,
Any time you find yourself feeling inadequate, guilty, self-pitying,
hopeless, victimized, blaming --become aware, watch how your mind has
become parasitic, feeding off the established negativities, watch from
the utter present (you are larger than your mind, back up into the
full energy of your being in this given moment, relax into your
totality and watch how your mind, your self-regulated self-portrait,
is working to keep you in these patterns). You are responsible for how
you feel. Wake up, start watching, awareness of this 'pain-body', this
limited parasitic version of you, will expose it for what it is...
time to regain the power that is always deferred and distributed
elsewhere. Approval, love, affirmation all come from within.
Truth = subjectivity = truth.
You are only as limited as you have come to believe.
"Reality" is merely tora shebichtav. Your inheritance (genetic,
historical, cultural, habitual) are mere alphabets, hieroglyphs of
energy... Now take the techniques you inspired me with and radicalize
the text you call yourself. This does not occur by remaining in the
head, in the intellect while the fundamental parameters of who and
what remain untouched ... it is a bodily-energetic process of
dilation, to access the power of transformation, to realize the power
of nature/world/spirit/whatever within you, as the totality of you
(rather than 'you') is not distinct from everything else
no more bemoaning the patterns, no more masturbatory "confessions"
of the self, suffering is boring, and easy.
Universal currency, it is the epitome of conformity
Dare to be happy/free/whatever
Dare to take full responsibility for everything that happens... everything
there is nothing that is not you
Your life is a dream, it is time to become lucid.”
Naftali Ungar-Sargon 2011
My grandfather had a recurring dream and told it twice to my cousin Anthony
who said he cried each time he recounted it. He found himself in the Paradeisi
synagogue (Cochin) with his grandfather from Jerusalem dressed in his
golden frock. He asked him who the three men on the front bench (Mizrach)
were. he replied “Abraham Isaac and Jacob”. He then asked what the light on
the bima was (a column of light projecting up and down) and he said “that is
God”. He cried as he told over this dream. Cousin Anthony remembers the
tears of Dada. I too had an experience in that same synagogue in 2008.
Visiting the graves of my ancestors in Cochin. The Sargons of India. On
arriving in the synagogue the beadle told me to remove my shoes because
the famous Chinese 400 year old tiles. They had been manufactured before
the invention of glazing so the tiles had to be protected. Having removed my
shoes and place on my tefillin I realized that this was the first time
in my life I was davening barefoot (usually proscribed because a sign of
mourning).I then had a vision of the roots of some ancient tree arising from
under those tiles engulfing my legs slowly creeping up until my waist line
then stopping. I felt so grounded in this place where my ancestors had prayed
and so rooted to the earth. So present to that moment in time that I actually
felt comfortable just being. For a glorious moment being alive felt appropriate
and without conscience. My father had a dream. Having escaped Hitler in
1949 from Vienna on the kindertransport, my father forgot his
father’s Sabbath zemira “yismach moshe” sung each week at the Sabbath
table. Some 40 years later he dreamed himself at that very table, and the
song came back to him. Now 90 years old he has sung that song each
Sabbath since the dream.
Dreams, dreams
dreaming, dreaming
this wellspring of the soul.
I dream of a blue sky filled with what appears to be the wings of birds
but on closer inspection
turn out to be hands open in a prayerful posture
millions of them filling the sky
a darkish blue with a persistent light of a setting sun
just before dark.
In this in between space the blue turns from royal to dark ink blue
in this firmament I remember as a child going to this place in Finchley near
“the brook” where we lived
and sitting on a park bench with the night sky filled with a myriad stars
feeling my total insignificance at age 14
my life as insignificant
and time collapsing to where I might be at the end of my life
and the terror of that fact
removed for a moment in the face of this awe inspiring vision of the sky.
I resist the search for meaning
just basking in the gift of the very image itself
a sky full of caring hands
the very logo of my medical school comes to mind
an upright stick figure helping one crouching
with the “helping hand”
that logo representing everything I hold sacred
in a post genocide world
where one individual helping another
statistically is meaningless
in the face of mechanized technologically assisted slaughter.
In the in-between space of dreaming
just before we awaken to the terror filled day ahead
the endless traffic
and loneliness
where the reigns of consciousness are loosened somewhat
and the ego not yet awake enough to summon the inner kritik
this image comes to soften the night
to provide a wish that the unloving natural word
might be loving
in the face of reality, history and geography
genocide and natural disaster
In the face of all of this
there might be a caring
out there
a pair of hands
a sky-filled pairs of hands
filling the sky
with caring
in the bleak firmament above.
Was this all about caring? or its absence?
was all this yearning for the lost mother?
all these years seeking the potion to quench the pain?
is the inner child so wounded
he will stop at nothing out there
pay no heed
respect nothing
in pursuit of her?
Can it all be reduced to some psycho-babble
DSM III label?
Is there nothing left to be soul?
The Gene Pool
Having avoided London for so long
the un-civility of it,
from the moment you arrive
until the security personnel barking at you when you leave
the change in the neighborhood
Chareidi Golders Green,
unrecognizable Finchley
rude tourists
rude cab drivers
rude weather hiding the glorious sun for weeks on end
rude everything
this was not my old London.
Having avoided even transiting through Heathrow
the long lines in everything
the long walk to get anywhere
the implied racial profiling
transit anywhere in Europe, but avoid London!
yet now
because of family affairs
I have come back twice in 3 months.
And here
where the business of family affairs is conducted
around the ritual affairs,
the birthdays
the weddings
the sheva bʼrachot
and the shul going...
it is sunny for a change
the mild spring air makes me breathless
the puffy clouds as in a picture postcard.
Here, beyond the formal invitations and locations
this is where family business takes place.
After all the pleasantries and catch ups
after you find out which school this child is attending
and what college this one got into,
somehow the past begins to seep in.
Family business then gets conducted and is all about memory
about reconstructing deep unconscious lost images
it is memory reconstruction boot camp
and its purpose for me,
is to find peace of mind at last
to dis-cover
the truth of the past
and why we are condemned to repeat it as we do.
For there is comfort in in such gnosis
hidden knowledge that can only surface
by the slip of the tongue
a comment here or there
and a reference that evokes an image in the mind.
There is healing in uncovering the ghosts
in seeing patterns in other family members
especially of previous generations
come seeping into my DNA
even though when younger I would mock it
calling it my “genetic prison-with no chance for parole”
In London, this must take place
I now realize
for all the places
the buildings,
the streets
the route to Edgeware, Uncle Eric
or the cemetery; to see Nana and Dada
Finchley Road,
the Underground stations
the various lines
the black Northern Line
ancient and sooty.
In this physical landscape of grayness and blackness
lies memory.
The landscape of NW suburbia is necessary like props for a stage set.
My brother Eugene
who seems stronger than ever before
holds my hand firmly as we dance together
in the black circle of yeshiva guys
not interested in the pecking order of priority
but satisfied to be on the outer ring
unobserved, waiting for Michael
in the center to find him and drag him and I
into the center.
And for maybe the first time ever
I feel brotherly love in a physical way
just swaying to the singing with him
in this deep bond of blood.
there is little we need say
there is little to be said
we have gone through so much of life
and our memories are so entwined.
Here I meet Peter after so many years
we are so alike...
we look alike...
(people meet him all over thinking he is me.)
Here over lunch I discover we also think alike
feel the same way about love and life
authority and orthodoxy.
We both went west
settled with families
embedded in similar communities
and worry about our childrenʼs education first and foremost.
I get the first inkling that there is healing in this luncheon.
It feels good to talk with him deeply.
Genetics has thrown its dice as I realize
how first cousins emerged with similar
tastes and thought patterns in most things important.
Tony, another cousin whose gift of the gab expresses
those feelings I would have had
had I really known Dada
expressing all I should have known about him but did not
because of my parents wish to live in a more upscale neighborhood.
Tony teases me for wishing to unearth the Sargonʼs in India past
rightfully pointing out that his memory of Dad
is more sacrosanct than any historical
facts that might emerge.
He forces me to engage the question as to why I wish so
to have this book of history written.
Is it sweet revenge on the Litvaks
who paraded their yichus to my family
some 33 years ago?
Or some desire to find greatness
at least in my genes
in my otherwise self-admitted medicority?
Cousin Michael, whose “erhlichkeit”
exposes us all for our lack of faith
and our dark sides
for he does not seem to exhibit any guile
as we watch his family grow
in our inability to swallow
the myths and stories of his chareidi Rabbis
bellowing to the newly weds
extracting the last ounce of joy from the celebration.
Uncle Eric, whose second Bar mitzvah
prompts the most asked question this weekend
as to why he had no first ceremony in the first place
in an otherwise traditional Bombay neighborhood
where his other cousins like David underwent such initiation,
and many possible theories that amuse him
as we present them for his speculation, one after the other
(although he might really not know!
having blocked all memories of childhood trauma)
Aunty Becky, who still arouses my deep resentment
despite the hugs and kisses
for her duplicitous telling of stories of mother
that push the knife in deeper all the while
saying “bless her”, “bless her”
as well as her passivity in protecting me from the sadistic headmaster.
Yet we are drawn to her
for her memories come pouring out despite the repeated disclaimers
that “its best to leave the past alone”!
Here is the gold mine of information
mixed with speculation of course.
Yet here, in this family cocoon,
Becky still speaks of reverence
of Shapiro the headmaster
that sadistic bastard who delighted in whacking me in front of my twin
and her transparent whitewashing of her silent part in all of this
her very silence in the face of this violence. Her fear of authority
that infects me too.
“I once told Shapiro that the boy he just bashed never did anything wrong”
as if, as if this would somehow alleviate her from the guilt of silence,
for surely she knows.
Eric speaks for the first time
to me of “lacking confidence” until age 40
unable to perform all the symphonies he knew
and could rattle off
prior to arriving in London
when he “lost all confidence-his musical voice”
Then slowly opening up to hear his own voice
in the music so late in life
after marriage
but-”never looking back”
”-only looking to the future as bright-”
this motto allowed him to survive
by blocking those memories of “no self-confidence”
so successfully he has now “forgotten” the negative.
Yet he is the very mirror image of all that trauma
having re-invented himself as the perfect gentleman
known for his kindness by children and colleagues alike.
I cannot follow this zaddikʼs path however,
I cannot let go of this violence
and abuse
I must confront they who abused me
and caused such a wasteland
in my soul. At least mentally.
I must finally have my psychological pound of flesh.
Ericʼs children and sons-in-law
speak glowingly of his being one of the 36 hidden righteous
and I fully endorse that.
But it is hard to speak to a zaddik a lamed vavnik
who has lost all resentment of the past.
My cousins Sharon and Michelle
remain silent
but their love is expressed in the mountains of food
over shabbat
soul food from India as taught at home.
Their silence and loving presence over shabbat
betrays Ericʼs loving fatherhood
his unconditional devoted loving of his daughters
and now his grandchildren
who know deep down that here is a well
of deep compassion that will always be there for them.
Never would he perpetrate what was done to him
Uncle David, the successful physician
who is known for fixing all family problems
but frustratedly cannot fix his own daughter
who suffers for his archetypal physician/manager/ father image
yet who is so hospitable to my children...
I owe such a debt to him
for providing safe haven for them
from my critical family
as a resource who never criticized nor judged them.
In this matrix my family business is conducted
looking for scraps of genetic material
like strands of spiritual DNA scattered across that familiar landscape
only London can provide
being the final destination
as one by one the family moved its center of gravity
from Bombay.
My mother was the first
on a troop ship 1941
U-boat infested waters of the Atlantic
she was NOT going to give up on this scholarship
to the Royal College
and for the war years and few after
she struggled alone
in this gray of gray London
with the anxiety of Hitlerʼs “doodlebugs”
whistling above in the night
hoping and praying for the whistle to continue.
My mother really was the courageous sibling
the scout, the trailblazer
and in her absence here
I feel the family dynamic as not complete.
In all of this Mumʼs absence is felt
her voice not present
she is reluctantly back home
unable to attend the festivities
having tried every ruse
knowing what she might be missing in this family business thing
which is good for me at least this once,
as I learn to see the clan in a different key minus
the matriarchshe-
who motivated me to be who I am
and is lodged in my brain now,
as the inner kritik,
but also left scars in me.
I am so alert for a comment two generations later
a fact
a scrap
that will connect me to this past
the correct DNA sequence
that will unlock
why I am so addicted to this or that
why my character defects chose this or that
or why I feel so drawn or repelled to this or that.
I am sure those answers lie right here though.
In this matrix
in London of all places
in this cloudy foggy twilight
I find the meanings and motivations
that sound familiar.
Around a table of Sargons at the wedding
the conversation naturally veers towards
Dada the patriarch. He was such a towering figure (for good and bad)
so Eric naturally compares what he is hearing from the rabbis on the dais
to Dadʼs critique of the rabbinism and legalism
of the Iraqi Jews of Bombay
his flirtation with the Pauline revolution
that I have been drawn to for so many years
the real reason for Ericʼs non Bar mitzvah
because of Dada being ridiculed by Nana
to her family.
(one of the possible explanations floating around this weekend!)
Dada thought everything through
from basic first principles
uncaring for ridicule and heresy
wherever it might take him
Old Testament and New if need be.
This is what I have been looking for
a truth beyond the historical facts!
I get an inkling as to what he must have written in his lost book.
I find in my cousins and uncles and aunts,
such resonances as if the DNA strands dance
to a distantly recognizable tune
Ericʼs latest work,
a tune I hardly recognize
yet sounds so familiar
I am drawn closer and closer
because I know
really know
in my body
this is real
this is a song
that my life dances to.
In his and my motherʼs body posture
one the viola the other the violin,
the flexed neck crouching over their fiddles
their gaze is always down
away from the listener
for they are transmitting holy sounds
for those who might understand the
years of toil and violence
of the “practice practice.”
Here too I find some peace as I see the
previous generation having suffered too
at the hand of an invisible guiding muse
that mistakenly believed that the only ticket to survival
had to be the stick and the cane.
It is who I was
it is what must be
it is the genetic prison as I had always expressed
but the jailor has allowed me out for a while
to see the court documents and the testimony
that condemned me to this life
even thought the judges
the Fates, have sentenced me long ago.
Old faces emerge from grammar school
passing me at the wedding
with a curious look
as if I do remind them of a little boy
so long ago
that naughty boy
with the olive skin-too dark for British Jews who
played the piano
who was not immune from the usual hazing or bashing up.
Funny how after 48 years I see no changes in their personalities.
In this place of memories
things come to life
dreams appear
and fantasies materialize
here one can act out
without fear
since one has regressed to childhood.
which of course,
takes all the juissance out of it
so one becomes sober
for fear of missing another snippet of truth.
Family business is serious stuff
it has implications for dreams and soul
it is like a sacred kabbalistic text
for once studied,
alters your life forever
either way.
Most importantly I can return
to my life
with some healing
some meaning
making my inner space a little larger
to hold this stuff
this past
making a little more sense of all of it
because of the resonances with other DNA bearers
who speak of this and that
snippets of this and that
which ring deep in the psyche,
And finally to feel
that I make a difference
by just being
part of this family
with my own stuff
despite my own stuff
despite Becky and Ericʼs admonitions
to “forget the past”
(which they too constantly refer to)
in order to survive
and stay sane.
Last of all
I idolize my twin who radiates light when she enters the room
and attracts the “Sargon women” around her
with her funny tales.
These very “Sargon women”
who represent the goddess image in my soul
who cannot become sullied no matter
how they pollute themselves ever.
They surround her
listening to her every word
as if she expresses the very incarnation
of their souls, not some funny anecdote!
As if she plays the genetic code in their souls like a viola.
As if Rochelle has inherited this quality of Mumʼs
to lead and be trailblazer.
But I only feel their love
of this pearl this flower
who gets more beautiful as time progresses
in contrast to my decay.
This is what I am leaving to come “home”
some 3000 miles
back to my life
as it is lived now.
The family has dispersed
the wedding and birthday party is over
and the business meeting has been adjourned.
But richer for the evocation
of memories
and the family talk conducted
here in London
not so hated as before
having yielded so much this time around.
Eric blesses me on friday night with
“peace, Julian, only peace”
from his heart that melts mine
as when he blessed his two girls
“may you continue to be just as you are”
such words from the family zaddik
shake mountains of pain
and threaten the heavens with their truth and healing.
So I might come back soon
to drink at this golden fountain
that yields so much nectar
an injection of peaceof
peace of mind
for my broken soul.
Henryk Halkowski: Picture(Left) by Ruth Ellen Gruber Picture (Right) by Yale Storm