The Kofer's Credo jyungar November 12, 2014 “Besides the term "min" ( מין ) for "heretic," the Talmud uses the words"ḥiẓonim" (outsiders), "apikoros," and "kofer ba-Torah" (R. H. 17a), or "koferba-ikkar" (he who denies the fundamentals of faith; Pes. xxiv. 168b); also"poresh mi-darke tzibbur" (he who deviates from the customs of thecommunity; Tosef., Sanh. xiii. 5; R. H. 17a). Of all these it is said that theyare consigned to Gehinnom for all eternity (Tosef., Sanh. l.c.; comp. ib. xii.9, apparently belonging to xiii. 5: "He who casts off the yoke [of the Law],and he who severs the Abrahamic covenant; he who interpretsthe Torah against the halakic tradition, and he who pronounces in full theIneffable Name—all these have no share in the world to come”).” (Wiki)In order to salvage the textWe invite kofrimOur holy brothers in disbeliefThose whose conscience forbids themThe facile easy answers to theology and the like.We invite themBecause they are within us tooIn moments of lucidityAnd allow us permissionTo disbelieveTo disinherit the worn out truthsBut as for the text, neither of us shall forsakeThe text is sacred to both of usAnd in it and around it we shall gatherStruggling in our own separate waysTo make sense of someone else’s pathA bygone era’s trace and etchings in historyThose before us who also kneaded the sacred wordsIn this effort the black letters form platformsWhere we dive into the space between the lettersAllowing our imaginations to roam freelyProducing new TorahTrue to traditionFor own children to see our strugglesOur etchings in the parchmentThe crowns and jots and tittlesAre thorns in our sidesForcing us to remain in discomfortWith the received traditionTo always questions and benchmarkThose values against our own equityHolding their values to the sunlightOf our new dawn.We share the belief that the undifferentiated Divine radiance shines downIncarnating our soulsIn both light and dark shadesIn a speckled shadowy hueBoth Schechina as well as Satan/Samael incarnate in our heartsAnd our task is to be present to both, as they manifest themselvesAnd struggle within us.Not to explain rationalize theologize or moralizeRather be present and endure the processWatch and gaze intentlyAs the oscillations of Shabbat and Chol permeate usAs the holidays, births, tragedies and life transitional ritualsAre played out with wonder.Mindful ever of our light and dark sidesThe evil within and without.Across the sacred text we both sitAnd babble the Talmudic folio after folioWith commentaries and super commentariesOne of us is satisfiedThe other seeks parallel worldsMythological similitudes from other culturesAnd eagerly rushes to critical analytical toolsThat open the text to its semantic and ancientRoots like an archeological dig.But both remain faithful to the integrity of the wordAnd the notion of sacred textHallowed by a millennia of scholarshipAnd beloved, and cherished,by its readers and students of all ages.Sacred not because of some external deus ex machinaRather the incarnated divine in all of usStudying and struggling with its wordsAnd arcane ideasMaking sense of it for our own road maps.In this space we share common groundThe Torah binds usDespite our differenceDespite our polar opposite viewsIt matters not!Come and sit by meShare with me the wonderAnd in doing so heal the world.