No longer pursuing the movie goal post of perfection.
Owning my Grade B status finally,
accepting the insuperable urges of the flesh fully,
open at last to the implications of a sin-filled life and after life.
I surrender to the addictions of power, greed, lust, envy,
slough, vainglory and textual mastery.
The binary affects of that sign wave of spirit verse lust-lust filled life,
even an broken clock gets it right twice a day!
Just standing still, stop the clock, stop the increscent inner critic.
This approach does not work, it is programmed to fail.
Who does Kurzweil fool but himself with all his pills, green tea and exercise!
He is still my age!
And will die like me!
When, is almost irrelevant.
Rebbi tells us to see only the itachlis1 -worms and
maggots-the rest is history. Just be aware of that one fact!
It is sufficient.
The thinkers all seem tired, the saints are all floored,
the sons eat not that far from their father’s table
and the grim reaper is active as ever.
So for the first time I will let time overcome me without
guilt, the inner snake will be silent, the critic gagged
and whatever will happen or worse,
the deafening silence of nothing happening,
I will attempt to endure however terrifying.
Rabbi Nachman speaks of tachlis meaning the ultimate purpose in life.
A person needs to be constantly aware of
the ultimate purpose in life by focusing on the