Shaatnez has a dubious etymology which we review and delve into the midrashic connection between this mitzvah and the first fratricide of Genesis.
Pirke DeReb Eliezer and the first targumim open us to the moral ambiguity behind the theological arguments between Cain and Abel prior to the murder.
Our commentators suggest the Chok (non rational command) for Shatnez and its exceptions (Kohanim and Tzitzis) point to moral reasons.
My reading suggests that the midrash open us to the double sided implication behind Shatnez and points to a cosmic order lacking in justice
and reminds not only us but the Divine as to the “setup” behind the first murder in history and the ongoing horrific slaughter currently in Ukraine.
Cain leads Abel to death, (detail) James Tissot, circa 1896